D.C. Everest High School’s Scholar of the Month – Kate Coenen
Bremer & Trollop Law Offices congratulate Kate Coenen, a senior at D.C. Everest High School, who was chosen as the Bremer & Trollop December Scholar of the Month.
According to a teacher at D.C. Everest, “Kate is one of the more passionate and careful writers in my classroom. She’s always working on something, and takes a great deal of time and care to make her writing in her own unique voice. She’s also an excellent performer of her own writing. Hearing her read her work aloud makes it come alive, which is not something every student is able to do. Kate not only does it, but she does it well. She’s a delight to teach and I’ve immensely enjoyed working with her.
Kate is in Songspinners, Chamber Choir and Concert Choir. She’s also in our fall musical production, “Suessical”. Not only is Kate a talented singer and actress, she is a helpful, responsible young woman. If something needs to be done, from setting up risers to being a stage manager for the Variety Show to helping a younger student with her music, Kate is always the first to volunteer. Kate has a positive attitude and does her best in everything she sets out to do. Her smile is infectious! Kate is the most selfless young woman I know and truly makes this world a better place!”
As a Scholar of the Month, Kate will be awarded a scholarship form Bremer & Trollop Law Offices at the end of the 2017-2018 academic year. To be eligible for this recognition, the Bremer & Trollop Scholar of the Month must be a senior and be selected by his or her instructors based on the quality of the work that has been completed in the core curricular areas.
Kate is the daughter of Luke and Wendy Coenen.
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